Mediate means "between two extremes; to interpose between parties as the equal friend of each; to negotiate between persons at variance with a view to reconciliation; to mediate a peace; intercession."
Dutch Sheets in his book Intercessory Prayer talks about how intercession happens in our lives every day.
"Intercession happens in our courts daily with lawyers interceding for clients.
"Intercession happens in contractual meetings daily with attorneys representing one party to another.
"Intercession happens in offices and business meetings daily as secretaries or other associates 'go between,' representing one to another. Nothing spiritual about it. It involves delegation. It involves authority. It boils down to representation. To represent means to re-present, or present again."
God created us to represent - to be intercessors - to go between - to do His work - to mediate - fight spiritual warfare - to come before the Lord on behalf of those struggling and suffering. We were created to take those issues people have given us and take note or write a list and come before the Lord on behalf of our friends and family members - We need to rise up and become attorneys and lawyers who plead their cases before the High Courts. We need to become mediators and pray for the renewal of marriages, families to come back together, homes to be restored. We need to take that person struggling and re-present them before the Lord daily - time and again - no matter how long it takes. We need and must become Intercessors.
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