I felt tired all day today. I have been cranky as well. “I need rest Lord.” I need strength. On this particular day, because of how I was feeling, my husband decided to us out to dinner.
The rains poured and the sky darkened. No wonder I felt so tired. I immediately received strength and nourishment as we sat around the table and ate our meal. Conversation flowed and we enjoyed the company of one another.
Towards the end of the meal, I began to get a stirring in my heart. Something felt wrong. Tearful emotions swept over me. An anxious feeling crept in as I blurted out to my husband, “Something is wrong.”
“I need to pray,” I said to myself. I am still learning how to deal with the emotions that creep in during those moments when I am in public. "What do I do? Where do I go? Show me Lord."
I asked my husband to check on my oldest son who was at home. We received a call from him earlier stating that it was hailing and the electricity went off. My husband called and found that my son was fine.
The feeling intensified. I stirred in my seat. My heart hurt. Something was wrong. “Lord, please reveal to me what is going on,” I murmured beneath my breath.
A strong need to fall upon my face began to take control. I stood up and walked out side. I stood at the entrance waiting on the rest of my family. I inhaled slowly as to calm my nerves. “Okay relax,” I said peering out at the dark clouds. The smell of sweet fresh rain lingered in the air. Moistness fell upon my face. Even in the midst of tranquility, my heart beat a thousand times, as the rustling in my stomach echoed.
I began to pray as if I had no control. Words from the unknown language seeped through and it had begun. I was intervening for something or someone that God had not yet revealed. The emotion was real as I fought back the tears. I did not want to fall apart in front of everyone. “Hold it together!” I shouted to myself as I continued to pray. I took deep long breathes in to control it as I walked towards our car. My family stepped up right behind me and we entered the car to leave.
“Do you feel any better?” my husband asked.
“No its still there,” I told him.
It was but a moment on the road when my husband’s cell phone rang. At that moment, I could hold back the tears no longer. I closed my eyes and continued with prayer. A deep pain remained in the center of my stomach. "This is so draining!" I thought. The prayer intensified.
Something was wrong. I heard my husband‘s tone change and I knew that whatever I was praying about had to do with his phone conversation right then.
“Oh no,” I heard him say. “Well let’s pray right now,” He told the person on the other line.
I closed my eyes as the Holy Spirit came upon me. Tears flowed in the silence.
My husband prayed. As soon as he finished praying, I inhaled a deep breath and suddenly released every emotion that had hold of me. The emotion left as quickly as it came. It was over. The task was finished.
. . . Something was wrong that day. Someone called to share about a friend who at that very moment was going through strong withdrawals from alcohol. I believe this person was in a rehabilitation center at that very moment. This person cried out to a friend and the friend cried out to his pastor.
Thank you God, that we can be used in this way. Use us Lord.
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