Saturday, February 14, 2009

One day at the kitchen window I adored the beauty and the Lord's making of the red bird. It fluttered up to my window seal and sat there for a while. I could almost touch it. My hands were in the soapy water but my heart was focused on God. Something happened at that moment. I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me and tears swelled in my eyes - not because I was sad or anything like that - but because God's presence was so strong. Suddenly for a few moments my lips started moving and uttering something completely strange for me. It was foreign - like a foreign language. I did not understand the words I was uttering. I immediately stopped it and suppressed it. I got so scared that I took my hands out of the dish water and ran into the living room asking myself, "What was that?"

I grew up in the south as a Baptist and we were taught that things like that didn't happen and shouldn't! - - at least not in the Baptist church. I believe that moment in the kitchen was the beginning of a prayer language for me but I suppressed it and never allowed it to happen again for several years. I never told a sole about that moment - not even my husband. I was naive and ignorant about the Holy Spirit. I had so much to learn and no one to help me learn it except the Lord. Being a Baptist I also felt that I had no one to confide in about what was happening to me - I had no one to share my burden - and no one to help me learn about this gift. It was difficult - very difficult.

Though I tried sharing things with my husband he could not understand what I was going through because he did not have this gift. So I pressed on the only way I knew how. I started finding books I could read about Spiritual gifts and especially the Bible. I endured the feelings and need to pray, cry, grieve, dream dreams, see visions, and speak in a prayer language.
My passion is to share my experiences so that no one will have to endure these kind of changes alone.

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