"I can't do this anymore!" "I need help."
" You can't do what anymore Kacy?" "What's going on?"
"CUT! I feel like cutting again but I don't want to!"
"I'll be right there!"
I rushed to sixteen year old Kacy to find her in the house with her younger brother. Kacy had been cutting for quite some time - no one knew and at this moment she decided to reach out.
Her parents were out of town on an event and would not be arriving home until late. I quickly made arrangements for her younger brother to stay with someone in our church. We grabbed some of Kacy's things - left a message for her parents - and then made our way to my house.
I spent that evening and late into the night crying with Kacy - holding her hand - hugging her - praying - and reading the Bible - but mostly listening to her story. She had a rough life and had fallen into cutting at an early age. She held a razor blade in one hand and the phone in another hand when she called for me. My heart ached. I had absolutely no idea how to minster to someone who had been cutting.
"Help me Lord, " I pleaded. "I really need to know what to do."
Just talking about it helped Kacy so much as well as give her a sense of freedom because it was now in the open and no longer a secret. At the closing of our day I sat in the extra bedroom along side Kacy and said goodnight. It must have been 1:00am. After leaving her I went to my room and settled in - still burdened. The only thing separating me and Kacy was the wall between us.
After lying there for a few minutes a strong urge to pray came over me. I raised up in bed trying not to wake my husband. I stretched my hand towards the wall that separated the two of us. My body began to shiver as if I were cold. The Holy Spirit came over me and I began to pray. I prayed in a way that I didn't usually pray - with authority. In the midst of the prayer the Lord opened my eyes to see what was happening. My body continued to shake and tears flowed -
I saw the room just as it was. I saw Kacy sitting on the side of the bed just as I had left her - reading the Bible. Suddenly and quickly a bright light came from the heavens like a bolt of lightening and swept through the room at high speed. It looked almost like a flash of light. I then saw a dark cloud - almost like a dark dust ball. It bounced within the room from wall to wall - ricocheting here and there like a tiny ball that had gotten loose from a child. The bright light continued to chase the dark cloud as I continued to pray victory over Kacy's life. I prayed against the enemy - the hold - the affliction - I prayed and at times had no idea what I was saying because I was focused on the vision. Then the dark cloud shot out through the roof of the house and the chase was over. My tears and prayer immediately stopped at that moment but the vision continued. I saw Kacy still sitting on the side of the bed but she had an angel sitting beside her stroking her hair. Behind Kacy stood a massive large warrior angel with a sword in his hand. He stood as if he were guarding Kacy. He was strong and showed no emotion - just strength.
I must say that I am not an artist nor have I ever taken any art classes. I would like to and need to. Please do not judge my art work. Several years ago I started trying to sketch what I see during my prayer times. I only wish I could sketch what it truly looks like. It is amazing and I can't seem to bring it to life. I have decided to go ahead and share the art anyway. In this particular sketch I did not pay attention to what the sword looked like - I had to guess.
The next morning, after Kacy woke up, she entered the kitchen looking completely different. There was a glow around her - her burden had been lifted. It is almost too difficult to describe. Her over all appearance was somehow different. She was different. . . she was truly different.
Later that day I took Kacy home. She shared everything with her parents and they moved forward in finding her a counselor and a place of healing. As far as I know Kacy is doing very well today.
Thank You Lord!
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