One Wednesday evening, after my whole family left to go to an event, I felt a strong sensation to fall upon my knees and pray. I am beginning to recognize that my tears often mean that God is calling me into prayer. I fell upon my face in my room and sobbed. My heart hurt as usual. “God please reveal to me what I am praying about,” I cried out.
The Holy Spirit began to flow through me as I cried and prayed in a language unknown to me. It is as if my lips move by themselves. I know that seems strange. My body shivers as well as if I am in the cold.
God then began to reveal to me what I was praying about:
I saw a woman leaning against the wall in her bedroom. I assumed it was her bedroom although I have never seen it. The room was dark. The shades were drawn. The bed was at the head against the west wall . There was a chest of drawers against the East wall – I could only see the corner of it. The woman stood on the right of the bed next to the small window. She kept looking at the chest of drawers - almost longing for something. I sensed the Lord telling me that she longed for something. I then saw what sat on the edge of the dresser - a bottle of pills. I could sense in my vision that she longed for the bottle of pills, but was trying to stay away from them.
Suddenly I saw an armored warrior riding on a white horse. The horse was traveling at a high speed. The knight traveled fast and I knew in the vision that he was coming to help this woman. The next scene took me to the woman walking over to the dresser to take the bottle. At the time she was about to grab hold of the bottle the white knight rushed through the door, grabbed hold of the bottle, and then drew his sword. It all happened so fast. He then quickly turned, raising his sword high in the air and came down hard casting a blow on the black knight standing before him. They fought diligently and with great intensity.
My heart pounded even more. While I am seeing this I am still praying. It felt as if I were right in the middle of the battle. I could feel the intensity. It is so difficult to explain. My emotions were a mess! My feet began to move up and down because of the intensity of it. My lips moved more rapidly as the battle became more intense. My words flowed more quickly. The two warriors fought with such strength and force. The battle seemed to of gone on for a while. Both of them moved quickly – one after another pushed each other away with their blows and the strikes of their swords. I could hear the clanging.
Suddenly I saw an armored warrior riding on a white horse. The horse was traveling at a high speed. The knight traveled fast and I knew in the vision that he was coming to help this woman. The next scene took me to the woman walking over to the dresser to take the bottle. At the time she was about to grab hold of the bottle the white knight rushed through the door, grabbed hold of the bottle, and then drew his sword. It all happened so fast. He then quickly turned, raising his sword high in the air and came down hard casting a blow on the black knight standing before him. They fought diligently and with great intensity.
My heart pounded even more. While I am seeing this I am still praying. It felt as if I were right in the middle of the battle. I could feel the intensity. It is so difficult to explain. My emotions were a mess! My feet began to move up and down because of the intensity of it. My lips moved more rapidly as the battle became more intense. My words flowed more quickly. The two warriors fought with such strength and force. The battle seemed to of gone on for a while. Both of them moved quickly – one after another pushed each other away with their blows and the strikes of their swords. I could hear the clanging.
As the fight increased, I saw two beautiful angelic young women come down from heaven and take the woman - one on each arm. Together they carried her up towards the heavens as if to move her out of harms way. Neither one of them had wings. The battle continued as I prayed. Soon the white knight fought the dark knight out of the door. The dark knight was not killed - only defeated. It was a tough battle.
I then saw the angels bring the woman back down from the sky and place her on her bed. She lay down and slept peacefully. One of the young angels ascended back up to heaven while the other sat over the woman - stroking her hair. Suddenly I took in a deep breath and knew that it was over.
I then saw the angels bring the woman back down from the sky and place her on her bed. She lay down and slept peacefully. One of the young angels ascended back up to heaven while the other sat over the woman - stroking her hair. Suddenly I took in a deep breath and knew that it was over.

As I shared earlier, I am still learning about intercessory prayer. I could have left it at that, but I knew this woman and wanted to make sure everything was okay. I couldn’t stand it any longer - I called her. I knew that I was taking a chance of her thinking I had totally lost my mind, but I didn’t care. Something was wrong.
I took in a deep breath and shared with her what had just happened. A long pause on the other end of the line and then she spoke –
The first thing she said was that she couldn't believe that I had described her bedroom perfectly and as exactly as it was. She then opened up and shared that before she came to know Christ, she struggled with an addiction to alcohol and pain pills. Thank you Lord that her struggle with that had been over for quite some time. However, she recently had major surgery and was going through a long period of physical therapy. That night she shared that because of the physical therapy and surgery, it required that she take pain medication. She did not want to fall into the trap of years past and because she had a history of this addiction, she understood how dangerous it was for her to take any medication like that. She started noticing that she was taking the pain pills on a regular basis whether she needed them or not. She wasn't getting a high from the pills - she just noticed that she was taking them more than she needed. When God brought that to her attention, she decided not to take them anymore. That particular day she had physical therapy and was in a great deal of pain. She really needed something for her pain. Although she had taken Tylenol, there was a part of her that was longing for those pain pills that would help ease her suffering. She shared how she laid down on the couch longing and yearning for that medication – so much that she came really close to calling her doctor for the prescription. Then after a while the desire for it eased.
I took in a deep breath and shared with her what had just happened. A long pause on the other end of the line and then she spoke –
The first thing she said was that she couldn't believe that I had described her bedroom perfectly and as exactly as it was. She then opened up and shared that before she came to know Christ, she struggled with an addiction to alcohol and pain pills. Thank you Lord that her struggle with that had been over for quite some time. However, she recently had major surgery and was going through a long period of physical therapy. That night she shared that because of the physical therapy and surgery, it required that she take pain medication. She did not want to fall into the trap of years past and because she had a history of this addiction, she understood how dangerous it was for her to take any medication like that. She started noticing that she was taking the pain pills on a regular basis whether she needed them or not. She wasn't getting a high from the pills - she just noticed that she was taking them more than she needed. When God brought that to her attention, she decided not to take them anymore. That particular day she had physical therapy and was in a great deal of pain. She really needed something for her pain. Although she had taken Tylenol, there was a part of her that was longing for those pain pills that would help ease her suffering. She shared how she laid down on the couch longing and yearning for that medication – so much that she came really close to calling her doctor for the prescription. Then after a while the desire for it eased.
Thank you Lord for fighting our battles! Use us Lord - use us for Your glory!
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