Weeping and praying in my prayer language a vision began to unfold:

I saw a very large plane of some kind. I did not know if it was from a huge airline or not. The tail end of it raised in the very back and along that on either side were two large areas that may have been motors or something. I wish I understood more about planes and how they worked. As the vision continued to unfold, I noticed that smoke started to seep out from one of the motors - only on one side of the plane. I then understood that the plane was in trouble. I prayed asking God to intervene and to please send them help. I understood that people were on the plane but I did not know how many or if it were a commercial airline.
Suddenly everything became more intense as the smoke now turned into fire and flames. A black streak ran behind the plane, fire fuming out from the side. I started to pray with more intensity. "Please help them Lord - send your angels to help them to safety." I cried.
Suddenly two large white clouds formed in the shape of angels. They were both identical - large in stature. With poise and grace they simultaneously swept underneath the wings of the plane and grabbing hold of it. The wings of the plane rested in their arms and the angels seemed to have been the guide. I prayed and prayed as the spirit of the Lord fell upon me - Tears flowed and I became in awe once again at the sight that was unfolding.
"Praise you Lord" I laughed in the spirit. The angels flew with the plane for sometime during the prayer and then at just the right moment very gently lowered it on the runway. Everyone was safe. They were safe.
The tears stopped as quickly as they came and I rested in the beauty of the Lord's goodness and greatness and came to a greater understanding of His love and care for others. Oh how we never see what takes place in the Spirit world and how often the Lord's hand is upon us. Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord!
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