Capernaum - a place filled with demonic influence.

Jesus taught there in the synagogue. While teaching, a man possessed by a demon confronted Jesus. This was a man sitting among the others listening to what Jesus had to say. I imagine that happening in today's churches - people of demonic influence sitting among the flock. Jesus ended up casting the demon out.
After teaching in the synagogue, Jesus then went over to Simon and Andrew's home.
"That evening many sick and demon possessed people were brought to Jesus." (Mark 1:32)
Many were sick and many were demon possessed. Jesus of course healed the sick and cast out the demons. How many is "many"? But it doesn't end there! The very next morning Jesus went out in the wilderness to pray. Later on Simon and others went out to find him and to tell him that more people were asking for him. More. More who were probably sick and more who were probably possessed wanted to find Jesus!
Jesus said that they needed to go to other towns to minister to those people as well . . . and so they did.
"So they traveled throughout the region of Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and expelling demons from many people." (Mark 1:39)
"Expelling demons from many people" - There was a great demonic influence on people during that time. We must determine that today's times are not much different from the Biblical times. I imagine that if Jesus walked the street as a man in today's society that he again would be casting out many demons from many people.
As an intercessor I have been able to walk into a room or by someone and sense the presence of the enemy. Sometimes the presence is so strong that my entire body quivers and shakes. My stomach feels sick. I often can't move. It is a dark sickening feeling that is very difficult to explain. I often have to get up and leave. Just being close to something that dark stirs my spirit in such an emotional way.
There have been times when as someone is passing by, I feel a cold wind flow through me. There have been other times when I can see a shadow of a figure or suddenly a vision of a demon flashes through my mind as I approach someone or as they walk past me.
With that said, I have never cast out a demon. But through Christ I have prayed through many spiritual battles. The least we can do is pray . . . through prayer we can accomplish a great deal.
Through prayer angels will flood the gates, demons will scatter, and spirits will flee.
Through prayer strong holds will be loosed, battles will be won, and curses will be broken.
Through prayer demonic influences will diminish.
Through prayer white knights will raise their swords and fight against the spirits of addictions!
Through prayer the blood of Christ will flow knocking out any demon in its path!
Through prayer great angelic barriers will be formed and nothing can come against them!
Through prayer the dragons will shrink, regional influences will be shattered, and Christ will rule!
Through prayer there will be victory!
Through prayer the impossible will have its way!
Through prayer Christ will be ever present!
Through prayer there will be freedom!
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