I was in a deli of some kind just watching as people came in to order. I found it strange everyone was ordering a sandwich by the name of a scripture. I remember them saying, "I'll have a John 17, or I'll have a Mathew 12:16. Now I cannot remember the exact scriptures used except for the man that order a John ? (something).
As I watched, I said to the woman behind the counter,
"Wow, everyone is ordering a scripture sandwich." She looked at me dumbfounded as if it were no big deal. It had no meaning to her. I then sat behind the counter and watched her make the man's sandwich realizing that she didn't put anything special in it. She did not put the "John 17 in it" or the nutrients.
I remember being very alarmed by that. After she handed the man his food, I said to the man, "There are no nutrients in your food."
I then woke up.
Dream Book:
Food/Milk - Work: Solid Food= Work of God
I found a scripture written under this section that came from John.
"Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and to finish His work." (John 4:34)
Understanding the Dreams You Dream/Ira Milligan
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