One day not long after all of the previous things happened, I had another dream that I believed would be significant in what God was about to do in my life and how my life would move forward in serving God as an intercessor.
First Scene:
I came upon a friend who wanted to take me to see an amazing place. I had my two children with me at the time but decided to go anyway. It was a cave hidden and tucked away among shrubs. One would have to know it was there in order to get to it. I remember walking in and seeing all different kinds of levels - almost like cliffs hanging over the side of the cave wall. Everything was black except the light that lit up each cliff. On each cliff there was a piano - each piano was shaped differently and each piano was made of something else beside wood. It was either gold, silver, glass, or bronze - things like that. My friend told me that at night people would come to the cave to find gifts. The place was usually packed full of people.
Next Scene:
The next scene showed me walking into the cave without my children. The cave took on a different appearance. It was bright and had trees and flowers everywhere - unlike the first scene that really looked so much like a cave. I could hardly move because there were so many people there. Everyone was looking up towards the ceiling.
I asked - "What is everyone looking for?"
Someone said, "They are looking for prizes."
I looked up at that moment to find an envelop on the ceiling. I looked around and wondered why no one else could see it.
I said, "There's a gift right there on the ceiling."
I pointed to the envelop. I thought for sure that everyone would run to try and get the gift down from the ceiling but they did not. Something very strange happened after that. The people parted - helped me get on the table - and kept their hold on me so that I could reach up and grab the envelop full of gifts.
I never knew what the gifts were in the envelop but after several weeks of prayer and asking God to give me understanding and wisdom about the dream I felt that the Lord was trying to tell me that He was about to equip me with certain gifts - spiritual gifts - not physical gifts. After that dream stranger things began to happen and the spiritual gifts began - I just needed to learn what to do with them. Every day was a learning lesson and still is to this day.
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