I actually stepped out of bed feeling much better today. My aches were better. The first service in church went well – although everyone appeared sleepy – due to the time change –
During the later service, I started feeling sick again. My body began to ache – and my right arm felt extremely tight. I pressed on. I noticed a troubled teen had come that day - someone we have not seen in a long while. He looked angry as if he did not want to be there.
After church, I made a quick lunch and told my husband that I felt sick. He said, “I could tell that you were feeling sick during the service.”
After a nap, I decided to go downstairs and finish recovering an ottoman I had been working on. I started feeling sicker. My right leg hurt with pain. I slid my hand across the back of the knee and felt the large swollen knot that appeared a few days before. My whole leg felt weak as I walked to gather my things.
While concentrating on the project, suddenly I began to feel even sicker. A sickness came upon me causing my whole body to feel strange. I felt sick to my stomach and my arms and limbs began to hurt even more. I immediately called for my husband, “I have to stop, I feel sick.” I could hardly move. I walked up stairs to lie down as my whole body began to shake. I felt like crying, I knew what that meant. I felt almost too weak to fall on the floor and pray, but God was calling.
I walked back downstairs to get the box of tissues. “I feel sick!” I said trying to get down the stairs.
My husband met me at the stairs and said, “Okay show me what’s wrong.”
“I can’t talk right now,” I said through my tears. “I need to go and pray.”
The minute I walked through the door I fell on my face praying before I ever hit the floor in a language I do not understand.
I immediately began to see a vision:
I saw fire burning tall and a dark figure popped into the vision right in the midst of the fire. I had no idea what I was praying about at this point. As I continued, I felt that I was praying against a Spiritual warfare of some kind. My lips began to swell. I felt so strange. I prayed faster and with more intensity.
I then began to see a young man from our church. He was sitting with other teens his age, but I could not see their faces - I only saw his. They were out in a thick wooded area sitting on a large tree limb. Night had taken over but the fire gave off light – almost like a camp fire. Behind this scene a large fire blazed in the distance. Evil eyes pierced through at different times of the scene. The teen from our church had a thin stick in his hand. I watched as he took the stick and drew a large circle in the dirt. He then drew something inside of the circle, but I could not see what it was, I only felt it was satanic. God began to speak to my heart as I continued to pray and at that moment I felt as if God were telling me that the young teen was putting a curse on me and my family. I felt shocked and hurt. It saddened me. I had no idea how to pray against it – I cried out for help. I cried out for the Holy Spirit to come in and pray for me.
My heart ached again as my body shook and for a moment I saw flashes of fire as the dark figure appeared again off in the distance. My lips hurt from the swelling and I felt as if I were going to vomit. I heaved as if to throw up. I prayed with all my heart for God to send deliverance and help. The intensity of it all overwhelmed me. I couldn’t stand it but couldn’t stop it either. I was too deep in the prayer.
I called out for God to end this and bring deliverance. I cried out for victory and that whatever was happening God would stop the enemy from his plans and that He would get the victory. I did not see warriors or angels. I saw the young teen sitting at his place on the log with the stick in his hand when a great wind began to form. It looked like a funnel cloud that had touched down on the ground. It stirred and roared just like a tornado. I watched and prayed as it began to make its way around toward the teen and behind him. Everything began to stir and blow after the touch down. The tornado continued to move behind him making its way to the other side of him. Suddenly as it made its way in front of him, the wind took hold of the stick that was in the teen’s hand and carried it up toward the heavens - just like a tornado would do to something that it picked up. The dust blew just like a tornado and surrounding the circle drawn in the sand - erasing it from existence. It stirred the dirt as if to erase it and then it rose up into the sky and disappeared. I saw the teen jump up in anger thrusting his fist into the air as if to hit someone. There behind him blazed the fire and I saw the eyes of two individuals or demons and I felt they were glaring at me in anger.
I could feel their anger as my whole body shook. “Lord, help me,” I said.
I called out the teen’s name and said, “L – belongs to God!” “L – belongs to God!” “He was created with a purpose!” “He was created by God and for God!” “You have no authority over him. In the name of Jesus I pray that he be released from your hand.”
As if God had snapped His fingers the fire suddenly disappeared. I inhaled a deep breath and a peace came over me. I fell to the ground – limp and exhausted. It truly felt as if I were in a raging storm and the cloud had just lifted. I then felt joy. I even laughed for I knew at that very moment that the enemy fled. The enemy was gone. God won the battle.
I sat in the presence of the Holy Spirit for a while and allowed God to pour His love upon me and comfort me as if a small child. He did.
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