April 25, 2005
On my way to the doctor, I noticed beautiful sky and weather. I loved looking past the fields and on toward the mountains. They were a beautiful sight. For some reason, I started feeling a little emotional that day. My doctor’s visit went well. The swollen lymph node was gone and the glands had gone down as well. God was healing and delivering me from the sickness. We will wait now to see if they rise yet again. This is the first time in nine months they have totally gone away. Thank you Lord.
My emotions kept surfacing and I did not recognize that this was a need to pray. At noon I started to cry. I wept over and about an issue I thought was going on with me. Then my brother called. I cried even more when I spoke with him.
“What is the matter?” He said. “I think I am just sad today,” I responded. We did not speak long. After hanging up, as if the floodgates had opened up, I began to cry even more. I felt the strong urge to fall upon my face. I went into my room and fell to the floor crying uncontrollably. My lips began to move as the Holy Spirit came upon me.
I lay prostrate before the Lord with my face nestled deep into the carpet. The deep ache in my heart caused me to cry even more. “Lord, what is happening?” I whispered through the suffering. At that moment flashes of a picture came to my mind. I could see bits of it as if a puzzle.
“Please clear my thoughts Father,” I said. “May I only see what You want me to see Lord.”
I first saw elephants. They were walking in a long line, one following the other. I watched as they walked in an open field towards the jungle. I saw a young man whom appeared to be in his twenties sitting upon one of the elephants. He was black in origin. I understood that I was seeing something in another country. I assumed it was Africa, but could not really get a clear picture of where it truly was.
I soon began to see flashes of some kind of mask. The mask was square with long hair surrounding it. The hair was made of hay or something similar. It looked as if someone were holding it up to there face. As God began to reveal a clearer picture, my heart began to ache even more. The intensity of my prayer increased, almost as if I had no control. There I was deep in the midst of it – I felt as if I were right there in the middle of the scene unfolding before my eyes. I could feel it. I could feel the emotion of it all.
The person wearing the mask was of great authority - I understood that. I could only see his arms and legs as his face was covered. It felt as if he were very strong and placed in high authority. I understood at that moment that God was showing me someone who was possibly a witch doctor. I felt a demonic spirit about him and began to feel sick. I wanted to throw up. The strength of it all scared me and I knew that I needed to call upon others to help pray.
I stood up and called for my husband. He came running and tried to calm me down. “You need to pray!” I said urgently. “Pray right now. We need to pray!”
I began to share briefly as the hold upon me was so strong that I could hardly keep myself from falling to the floor. I urged him to call some of my friends and ask them to pray too. He didn’t have to say anything. Just tell them that Tina needs them to pray.
Back on my face again the picture surfaced. I began to see more clearly. The masked man was in a jungle. The sky was dark as if night and he was dancing around. I watched as I continued to pray. I felt the strength of this man and knew that the battle was going to be tough. He was strong – very strong.
“Lord, I don’t know what to pray.” “He feels so strong.” I continued to cry. Suddenly, the battle became more in tense and I saw the man sway back and forth as if someone were pulling on him, though I could see anyone but him.
The Lord brought to my mind at that moment these words. “God sent His Son into the world so that others may have eternal life and that No One Should be Harmed.” I realized then that I was perhaps seeing a ritual being performed and felt as if someone were going to be harmed because of it. I started praying for safety. I prayed for protection for the one or ones being persecuted or cursed. I asked God to send His mightiest angels to protect whoever was targeted for harm.
I did not know what else to do. I just allowed God to use me as a vessel. My whole body hurt. My eyes swelled and the tears fell like a waterfall.
It felt as if the battle were never going to end. Suddenly, I started to pray that this man’s authority would be taken away. I prayed it over again. I then saw a great burst of fire shoot up from the ground. There in the fire were evil eyes staring at me. The eyes began to move towards me, closer and closer. I wanted to hide as I saw them zoom in so close that they could touch me. My body began to shake. I prayed even harder. The mask on the man’s face changed from the straw to a black demonic looking mask. It looked to of been made of iron. It was evil and scary. My body could not lie still as the force of it all took over.
“Help me father,” I cannot do this alone. “Others are praying too Tina,” He reminded me.
I continued to pray, “Lord, take away his authority.” I prayed God’s authority over the whole situation. I prayed God’s power and strength over whatever was happening. I prayed that God would be glorified and that His strength would come in and intervene.
“This man has no authority in Jesus name!” I spoke through my trembling body. I just kept repeating it as the battle raged on. My stomach would tense as if someone were hitting it. “This man has no authority in Jesus name!” I shouted again.
Then I saw something happen I have never seen before. The masked man began to slowly shrink. His body got smaller and smaller until a small cloud of dust arose and as if someone snapped their fingers - he disappeared.
I took in a deep breath and felt the anxiety leave. I stayed prostrate on the floor. God replaced that with joy. I began to laugh and cry at the same time. “It is over Lord,” I said. The tears came to a halt. It was gone. The battle was finished and God was the victor.
. . . Most of the time it just doesn’t make sense to me. I am still learning. I accepted the task the moment God called me. I lay on the floor and no matter how painful or scary I felt it could become, I trusted that God would intervene. I think the hardest part for me is the intensity of the prayers as well as the need to know more of what is going on. Even though I asked, God did not reveal any more to me than what I needed to know. I think there were several reasons why: I do not think I could have stood the emotion of it. The prayer is so intense that it sometimes really feels as if I am going to die. When I am shown the dark side it literally makes me physically sick. God reveals to us what we need to know. I had a glimpse of a picture that day. Who knows what country this was really happening in?
Follow Up:
Afterwards I spoke to a friend of mine who called because she had been praying as well. She reminded me of what was happening in India. I was curious so I got on line and looked up India. The very first story I came to was an article written about a husband who felt that his wife did not love him. After many beatings and trying everything else, he decided to go see a witch doctor or “tantric” as he was called. The tantric advised the man that his four year old son was not his own and that he should kill him if he ever wanted his wife to love him . So in the back yard, the man strangled his own four year old son and threw him down a well. He later confessed and ended up in jail, but the true murderer was the “tantric.”
I continued reading that the police were having a difficult time in India due to witch doctors sacrificing small children. It was an epidemic that had broken out and they were trying desperately to save these children.
Now I have no idea that this story is what I was praying about. I was suspicious that it did have something to do with it.
I also drew a picture of the mask and looked on line to see if I could identify the dark evil looking mask. I looked through hundreds of masks and thought I would never find it . . . but I did. I saw it. It was exactly the same mask that I saw in the vision. I read that it was a mask used hundreds of years ago. It was used by witch doctors during sacrificial ceremonies. I was speechless.
Thank you Lord, that you use even the weakest to intervene on Your behalf.
On my way to the doctor, I noticed beautiful sky and weather. I loved looking past the fields and on toward the mountains. They were a beautiful sight. For some reason, I started feeling a little emotional that day. My doctor’s visit went well. The swollen lymph node was gone and the glands had gone down as well. God was healing and delivering me from the sickness. We will wait now to see if they rise yet again. This is the first time in nine months they have totally gone away. Thank you Lord.
My emotions kept surfacing and I did not recognize that this was a need to pray. At noon I started to cry. I wept over and about an issue I thought was going on with me. Then my brother called. I cried even more when I spoke with him.
“What is the matter?” He said. “I think I am just sad today,” I responded. We did not speak long. After hanging up, as if the floodgates had opened up, I began to cry even more. I felt the strong urge to fall upon my face. I went into my room and fell to the floor crying uncontrollably. My lips began to move as the Holy Spirit came upon me.
I lay prostrate before the Lord with my face nestled deep into the carpet. The deep ache in my heart caused me to cry even more. “Lord, what is happening?” I whispered through the suffering. At that moment flashes of a picture came to my mind. I could see bits of it as if a puzzle.
“Please clear my thoughts Father,” I said. “May I only see what You want me to see Lord.”
I first saw elephants. They were walking in a long line, one following the other. I watched as they walked in an open field towards the jungle. I saw a young man whom appeared to be in his twenties sitting upon one of the elephants. He was black in origin. I understood that I was seeing something in another country. I assumed it was Africa, but could not really get a clear picture of where it truly was.
I soon began to see flashes of some kind of mask. The mask was square with long hair surrounding it. The hair was made of hay or something similar. It looked as if someone were holding it up to there face. As God began to reveal a clearer picture, my heart began to ache even more. The intensity of my prayer increased, almost as if I had no control. There I was deep in the midst of it – I felt as if I were right there in the middle of the scene unfolding before my eyes. I could feel it. I could feel the emotion of it all.
The person wearing the mask was of great authority - I understood that. I could only see his arms and legs as his face was covered. It felt as if he were very strong and placed in high authority. I understood at that moment that God was showing me someone who was possibly a witch doctor. I felt a demonic spirit about him and began to feel sick. I wanted to throw up. The strength of it all scared me and I knew that I needed to call upon others to help pray.
I stood up and called for my husband. He came running and tried to calm me down. “You need to pray!” I said urgently. “Pray right now. We need to pray!”
I began to share briefly as the hold upon me was so strong that I could hardly keep myself from falling to the floor. I urged him to call some of my friends and ask them to pray too. He didn’t have to say anything. Just tell them that Tina needs them to pray.
Back on my face again the picture surfaced. I began to see more clearly. The masked man was in a jungle. The sky was dark as if night and he was dancing around. I watched as I continued to pray. I felt the strength of this man and knew that the battle was going to be tough. He was strong – very strong.
“Lord, I don’t know what to pray.” “He feels so strong.” I continued to cry. Suddenly, the battle became more in tense and I saw the man sway back and forth as if someone were pulling on him, though I could see anyone but him.
The Lord brought to my mind at that moment these words. “God sent His Son into the world so that others may have eternal life and that No One Should be Harmed.” I realized then that I was perhaps seeing a ritual being performed and felt as if someone were going to be harmed because of it. I started praying for safety. I prayed for protection for the one or ones being persecuted or cursed. I asked God to send His mightiest angels to protect whoever was targeted for harm.
I did not know what else to do. I just allowed God to use me as a vessel. My whole body hurt. My eyes swelled and the tears fell like a waterfall.
It felt as if the battle were never going to end. Suddenly, I started to pray that this man’s authority would be taken away. I prayed it over again. I then saw a great burst of fire shoot up from the ground. There in the fire were evil eyes staring at me. The eyes began to move towards me, closer and closer. I wanted to hide as I saw them zoom in so close that they could touch me. My body began to shake. I prayed even harder. The mask on the man’s face changed from the straw to a black demonic looking mask. It looked to of been made of iron. It was evil and scary. My body could not lie still as the force of it all took over.
“Help me father,” I cannot do this alone. “Others are praying too Tina,” He reminded me.
I continued to pray, “Lord, take away his authority.” I prayed God’s authority over the whole situation. I prayed God’s power and strength over whatever was happening. I prayed that God would be glorified and that His strength would come in and intervene.
“This man has no authority in Jesus name!” I spoke through my trembling body. I just kept repeating it as the battle raged on. My stomach would tense as if someone were hitting it. “This man has no authority in Jesus name!” I shouted again.
Then I saw something happen I have never seen before. The masked man began to slowly shrink. His body got smaller and smaller until a small cloud of dust arose and as if someone snapped their fingers - he disappeared.
I took in a deep breath and felt the anxiety leave. I stayed prostrate on the floor. God replaced that with joy. I began to laugh and cry at the same time. “It is over Lord,” I said. The tears came to a halt. It was gone. The battle was finished and God was the victor.
. . . Most of the time it just doesn’t make sense to me. I am still learning. I accepted the task the moment God called me. I lay on the floor and no matter how painful or scary I felt it could become, I trusted that God would intervene. I think the hardest part for me is the intensity of the prayers as well as the need to know more of what is going on. Even though I asked, God did not reveal any more to me than what I needed to know. I think there were several reasons why: I do not think I could have stood the emotion of it. The prayer is so intense that it sometimes really feels as if I am going to die. When I am shown the dark side it literally makes me physically sick. God reveals to us what we need to know. I had a glimpse of a picture that day. Who knows what country this was really happening in?
Follow Up:
Afterwards I spoke to a friend of mine who called because she had been praying as well. She reminded me of what was happening in India. I was curious so I got on line and looked up India. The very first story I came to was an article written about a husband who felt that his wife did not love him. After many beatings and trying everything else, he decided to go see a witch doctor or “tantric” as he was called. The tantric advised the man that his four year old son was not his own and that he should kill him if he ever wanted his wife to love him . So in the back yard, the man strangled his own four year old son and threw him down a well. He later confessed and ended up in jail, but the true murderer was the “tantric.”
I continued reading that the police were having a difficult time in India due to witch doctors sacrificing small children. It was an epidemic that had broken out and they were trying desperately to save these children.
Now I have no idea that this story is what I was praying about. I was suspicious that it did have something to do with it.
I also drew a picture of the mask and looked on line to see if I could identify the dark evil looking mask. I looked through hundreds of masks and thought I would never find it . . . but I did. I saw it. It was exactly the same mask that I saw in the vision. I read that it was a mask used hundreds of years ago. It was used by witch doctors during sacrificial ceremonies. I was speechless.
Thank you Lord, that you use even the weakest to intervene on Your behalf.