On this particular day I was called to pray. Sometimes I will see an image that doesn't make sense to me - this was one of those days. All I know is that through the crying once again and the speaking in my prayer language this evil spirit appeared. The battle was difficult - the prayer was hard. I asked God to reveal to me more of what this was about but He did not. Through prayer, no angels came to fight - no white knights - I didn't see any fire or anything I had seen before. As the prayer started I felt like this creature or spirit was right up next to me. As the vision unfolded I could see it staring right in my eyes close to me. I understood that it was evil because I could feel it and the Lord revealed that much to me. After I prayed for a long while and the prayer intensified, the evil spirit began to slowly back away from me - it was as if he had moved from being right eye to eye level with me to a far away field. It never disappeared - it only moved far away. I realized that through the battle whatever the evil spirit was about or was trying to do - the Lord came in - intervened - and through prayer the evil spirit was moved.
A friend of mine took me to see a friend of hers who was an intercessor. We were hoping she could help us make some sense of the picture. Her first thought after looking was that the evil spirit had something to do with a region - an area - a large territory of something. It could have been our church - neighborhood - or town. The enmy works in many ways.
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