During that season of rest and moving into the next year, my father became very ill. I started having dreams about strange things. I continued to pray for my father and cried out to the Lord for healing on his behalf. One day I fell upon my face to intercede for my father and the Lord revealed something to me.

As I began to pray I cried as usual and my heart ached. My tears flowed a constant flow and the grief I felt was almost unbearable. With my whole heart, I wanted the Lord to show me that He would heal my father. As my prayer language took over I became entranced in prayer - so deep - that everything in the whole world stopped moving. I was in another place - at the feet of the Lord. I saw a strange ghost like figure standing in the doorway. At first I was fearful but then heard the Lord say to me, "It's the angel of death." It's skeleton figure, ghostly eyes, and hair standing on end looked fearful but I understood and could feel that it was not going to harm me nor was it an evil spirit.
After praying and watching what I believed to be the "angel of death," the scene moved to me standing in front of a very large over sized curtain. It was like looking at a screen at a theatre and someone then closes the curtain. A man had his arm around me - it was Jesus. As the scene unfolded I saw the curtain close and then realized that Jesus had opened the curtain to show me the angel of death and the curtain was now closing. With his arm around me a bright light shown so bright that I could not see his face. As we turned around, I heard Jesus laugh and reassure me that everything was okay and that I had nothing to fear about my father. The vision ended, the tears stopped, and the prayer was over.
I thought about that vision for a while. I always thought that the angel of death was like the angels we hear about in the Bible. I then came to understand something. When the Egyptians lost their first born it was the "angel of death" that swept through and took them. It was death. Death takes the body but an angel of the Lord takes our soul to heaven.
A few weeks before my father passed away, I had another vision while praying.
I saw my father shriveled up, old, and weak lying in a hospital bed. I will never forget the way his face was shaped and formed during that vision. Suddenly an angel floated down from heaven and hovered over his body. She then took hold of him and stood him up right beside the bed. He looked young, healthy, and in a new body. He smiled at me happy and content. She then took him by the hands and floated up to heaven with her. That old body was left lifeless in the bed.
That vision was difficult because I knew that my father was not going to be healed but God was going to take him home. When my father died, we were all in the hospital room with him. It was such a sweet passing. After he passed, I sat and focused on his body and face. His face and body were exactly the way the Lord showed me in the vision. I smiled because I knew that it was only a body, my father was really with the Lord.