Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Follow up to the "Crash"

This afternoon - my husband came home from meeting with the interim pastor at the other church. I understood the meaning of the dream so much better. A while back I sent a video of our baptisms that we had during our 4th of July service to some friends. Some of those people I sent it to are people that I really cared about though our church had split and they still attended the other one. It didn't occur to me in my mind and heart at the time that my sharing something so wonderful would possibly offend someone. I have and will consider them friends - well maybe not after today. Apparently one of the "friends" I sent the video to was upset about it and thought I was "recruiting."  They shared it with their pastor which in turn caused a huge collision with our church.

The words from the pastor to my husband made a huge impact and of course I was impacted as well. When the Lord reveals to me that the van I am in is about to get hit by a big airplane and I will be thrust backward what do I do? I should have been praying that God would protect my heart because he was trying to reveal to me what was about to happen. I should have prayed harder against what was about to happen. I should have prayed against the collision. Prayed for protection and shielding. I didn't understand it to be something that involved me personally but rather our church. I didn't have a good feeling about my husband meeting with this man - though he chose to anyway. The Lord was trying to spare us the harm. However - on this occasion - the impact was made and the harm was done.

Now I will pray and ask God to heal my hurting heart once again.

Pray for healing.

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