I sat at my computer with hands typing away. I was writing. I had just finished listening to a tape about writing without editing or stopping while you write. I decided to give it a try. I sat down and started writing. I tried to allow my emotions of the story to take me where they wanted and needed to go. I tried to allow the writing to go where it needed to go. I was definitely in a writing zone.
Suddenly something happened. Something outside of my window had my attention. A beautiful aspen tree green and full from the rain we have been getting stands grand and glorious. I love having it near me when I write. If my window were down I could stretch out and grab hold of it.
A small bird landed on one of the branches closest to my window. It just sat there staring at me. I thought it strange and then another came and sat beside that one - right in a row. It too looked at me. I tried to continue writing but obviously I
became distracted by the beauty of it all. Then a third bird came and sat beside that one. All three birds sat quietly perched on the same limb and sitting next to each other. They looked and peaked through the window. It was an odd feeling at first. I honestly thought they could see me.

I stopped and leaned toward the window to get a closer look. I could see everything about them. Their eyes, the feathers, the color - all so beautiful. And then the Lord brought to my attention the number three. Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and Father. I know it seems strange but I really sensed that I were in the presence of all three of them. A sweet stirring found its way inside my office. I could feel the presence so strongly.

Then with one big swoop the third bird that landed came up to my window and thrust it's wings out fluttering all the while. I gasped thinking he may hit the window but no - he stopped right before the glass and fluttered its wings with a mighty yet beautiful flow all the while appearing as if it were looking at me.
A strong emotion flowed over me and suddenly I found myself in prayer. It was as if the Holy spirit had shown up at my window! I prayed and as usual found myself praying in my prayer language on the floor - tears flowing.
I saw myself at the computer writing. I saw the bird come forth and flutter up to the window. I saw the Holy Spirit pour over me and through my hands. I saw in the vision that the Lord was going to anoint my writing. I saw the Holy Spirit flow through my hands and outward to many areas and many places - even Internationally. I cried even more feeling the deep penetration of the Lord upon me.
I saw myself opening a large box. The box was filled with a book I had written. I didn't know if I were going to get published or if I self published. Either way - the Lord was going to bless my efforts and anoint my writing with His presence.
The prayer stopped. I took in a large breath. The tears stopped as if someone had turned the faucet off. The vision ended. I continued to lie before the Lord thanking Him and praising Him for using whatever I had to offer. I said, "May it be so, Lord - May it be so."
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