Monday, July 6, 2009

Dream July 3, 2009

I awoke early remembering the dream in the detail and a deep burden sat on my heart. I knew I needed to pray. A part of me wanted to call but for now I will resist the urge to make the phone call until God tells me otherwise.


I saw a very close friend of mine who lives in another state. At some point her husband called me on the phone to tell me that she was leaving him and they would be separating.

It was as a simple as that. I then woke up feeling an unrgency to pray for the two of them. I know that the dream can sometimes symbolize other people in your life. I thought it odd that it would be those two. They are happy as far as I know. I will make a call soon to see if everything is okay. In the meantime I have prayed and will continue to do so.

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