Tonight my husband and I met at someone’s house. I have been there many times before this moment. After sitting for a while, my stomach began to ache and rattle and my spirit became unsettled. I began taking deep breaths and then releasing hoping to settle my spirit. I caught myself rubbing my hands together – uneasy.
After a little time had passed, Jessie asked me what was wrong. He could see that I was uncomfortable. I couldn’t help it – I blurted out, “Something is wrong. Something is here in this house. Something is stirring my spirit, I can feel it.” I began to cry. I knew what I needed to do – go and pray.
My husband asked if I would like for him to take me home. I agreed. Upon entrance to the house, I rushed in to my bedroom, fell on my face, and immediately began to ask God to cleanse me and wash over me. I felt like I needed to brush something off of me or go and take a bath. It was a horrible feeling. It felt like things were crawling over me. I hated it.
I immediately began speaking in my prayer language and the tears came spilling out and pouring over. I asked God to cover me and put my armor on. I then saw the vision of what was happening. I can now understand what I am saying when I speak in my prayer language. This is what I understood.
I was asking God to come and surround the house. At that moment a rushing wind rose up fierce like a strong hurricane. It came and surrounded the house. The trees looked as if they would blow over. The wind pulled the branches to their limit bending the trunk of the tree as well. Suddenly a strong and mighty angel – warrior – appeared in front of the front door. The door suddenly blew open with great force making a strong banging noise as if a heavy piece of steel had been dropped from the sky. Immediately a light appeared in the doorway creating the picture of a cross. It was brighter than the sun. The angel stood in the entran

Then two angels appeared inside the house. The wind continued to carry on outside of the home. I understood that there was a demon in the house and it was hiding. I then saw it running on the inside of the walls. It was small like a little lump. It was fast like a mouse scurrying here, there, and everywhere – hard to catch.
I continued to pray in my prayer language and cry even deeper. The angels were in the house looking at the wall but the demon would not manifest itself. After what seemed a long while of praying, I understood God asking me to go to the phone and call my husband who was still at the house. I was to have him ask Jessie if he has ever heard knocking or banging in his walls. I rose up and went to the phone. I even picked up the phone and started to dial. Out of fear, I then put it down and said to myself, “No – he will think I am crazy.”
I heard the Lord say to me, “Go to the word!” I grabbed my one-year Bible and went to today’s reading – Acts 26:1-32
Paul was pleading his case before King Agrippa because the Jewish leaders were accusing him of something and wanted him thrown in jail. Paul pleads his case and tells him about his adventure on the road to Damascus.
“About noon, Your Majesty, a light from heaven brighter than the sun shone down on me and my companions. We all fell down, and I heard a voice saying to me in Aramaic,
“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It is hard for you to fight against my will.”
“‘Who are you, sir?” I asked”
“And the Lord replied, ‘I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting. Now, stand up! For I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and my witness. You are to tell the world about this experience and about other times I will appear to you. And I will protect you from both your own people and the Gentiles.”
So then Paul explains to the king that he was not “disobedient to that vision from heaven” he was trying to tell the world about it. I read on and this is what really got my attention –
“Suddenly, Festus shouted, “Paul, you are insane. Too much study has made you crazy!”
“But Paul replied, “I am not insane, Most Excellent Festus. I am speaking the sober truth.”
I had to go back and pray – this time I cried out to God for forgiveness because I did not do as he had asked me to do for fear that Jessie and my husband would think I was crazy. I also hesitate to tell others about my experiences because I feel they would think I was crazy. Paul stood firm in what he had seen and what he had heard. He obeyed the Lord by telling about his experience as well.
Suddenly the Lord drew me back into the vision – it was as if we had picked up where we had left off. I confessed and cried out to God that I would do whatever he asked me to do. I wanted to be like Paul.
I continued to speak in my prayer language and asked God to saturate the house with his Holy Spirit. I then saw water starting to seep in from the floor into the walls. The demon began to scurry and move around within the walls. I then vocally out loud said, “Whatever Jessie has brought into this house we renounce it in Jesus’ name! – Be Gone! Be removed!”
I said it about three times and then – I saw:
Movies – DVDs rise up from a bin or box he kept off to the right of the television fly up – hundreds of movies rose up and flew out of the house toward the sky. The strong wind that had surrounded the house carried them away. I continued to speak those words with authority – “Whatever Jessie has brought into this house we renounce it in Jesus’ name! Be Gone! May it be removed! May the Holy Spirit Saturate this house!” I saw things come forth from his computer as well – but not many things mostly movies. I did not know what kind of movies were flying out of the house – only that there were many – many DVDs. Suddenly something was sucked out of the wall and attached itself to a DVD – another and then another! There was more than one demon hiding in the walls! Movies kept pouring out from the bin and flying out of the ceiling of the house – tears flowed and my stomach ached – God was cleansing!
And then the demon that the angels stood over and waited for came rushing out of the wall and attached itself to one of the DVDs – it too was gone. Eventually no more movies or things from the computer left his house – it was all gone. The storm was over.
I sat and cried over the glorious power of the Lord. He is good. The angels stood in the living room and placed their hand upon Jessie – as if to comfort him or convict him. Jessie leaned over understanding the need to change.
May it be so Lord – may it be so.
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