Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Field of Mice

I awoke from a dream early this morning - emotion seeping from my body. The restless sleep stirred my spirit and stirred my heart. I don't fully understand it but know that in time God will reveal.


My husband and I were getting ready to meet and have dinner with relatives. Upon our getting ready for them, we entered a large unfurnished room. I guess it could be called the living room area. I understood that we were in an apartment building that was connected to an old apartment building. We were in the new area. We were separated - meaning that the buildings were not related just joined together. There was a clear boundary between the two. At one point in the dream I felt as if we might have even been in another state or county that separated us - yet the buildings were joined together. However - in this particular room there was a large hole in the floor and mice were running from the old building into the new apartment complex.

We understood that the old building was infested with mice and some of the mice were getting through and running into our building. We ran after them trying to catch them. I could see the hole and it was rather large. I knew I needed to seal it and was thinking about how to do that when suddenly a baby mouse stumbled out of the hole and into the middle of the floor. I could

see it clearly and it barely had its eyes opened. At that moment I understood how quickly the mice were multiplying. I retrieved the broom and began to sweep it out of the room. I swept it into a dust pan and then placed it in the sink. I couldn't kill it. I just removed it from the area. I then went back into the living room area to see other mice run across the floor. I then woke up.

Dream Book:

Mice - Devourer: Curse; plague; timid (as in "Are you a mouse or a man?")

Broom - Cleaning or Witchcraft: clean house

Living Room - Revealed: Everyday or current affairs; that which manifest; truth exposed; without hypocrisy.

Sweeping - Cleaning: Repentance; (change as in "a sweeping change"); removing obstacles; rebuking evil doers. (Understanding the Dreams you Dream; Ira Milligan)

I know that God has called me into prayer to intercede for removing obstacles as well as rebuking evil doers. I know I need to pray. I understand that this may have something to do with our old church and our new church - completely separated yet still joined in some form. I also understand that many are coming from our old church into our new church. I also understand that since our church is becoming a place known for healing and recovery, the Lord will send those needing healing and recovery. Along with that = others will just show up. With that said - many will bring plagues, addictions, and demonic influences with them. It will be up to the Lord to reveal those things to us and to call upon intercessors to come in and pray against anything that may want to enter the church with those needing help. The battle continues but the Lord always reigns!

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