The dream started in a secret room of a house. The room was hidden to others. I somehow found it. In the room there sat an old dusty picture of a beautiful red rose. There were markings on the picture that told me that the picture was very valuable. As I stood and held on to the picture I reflected back on a friend showing me a picture identical to this that sold for several million dollars. I knew I had found something very precious.
The next scene went to my friend's house. I saw her home from a distance. She lived out in the country and in the mountains and really had no use for a swimming pool but on this day when I came upon the house she had a swimming pool built on the outside of her house.
As I entered the house with her she began telling me that she was waiting on a shield or some kind of canopy that would enclose the entire house because there was going to be a mudslide from the hill above her house. As I stood with her I could see the mudslide in my mind and I saw it come down from the hill with great force and flow over the top of her shield. The house would be protected.
I then woke up.
My interpretation from the dream book isn't always right but always look and I am always fascinated by the words that I find in the book that were related to my dream.
Dream Book:
House: Person or family: Individual or church. when naturally it means a dwelling place.
Swimming Pool - spiritual place or condition: church; home; family; God's blessings.
Mud: (Muddy road, path, or river); It directed me to see Highway, Ditch, and River. It wasn't a highway or ditch so I will go with river because of the mud slide.
River - Deep, wide, or Muddy River= Difficulty; Obstacle; impassible; incomprehensible.
Picture - Memory: Conscience; past experience; circumstance
Rose- Red Rose = Passion.
The friend that I saw struggling in the dream is going through quite a bit. I know that she is having difficulty getting through some experiences she had this past year. She has been very emotional about it - not knowing what to do with it all and how to handle it. I found it interesting that she built the swimming pool outside of her home off to the side.
Does the mudslide mean that she feels it is all about to come crashing down? She actually took precautions to order a covering for her house. He emotions and what she is going through is valuable in the Lord's eyes and to her. There is a lot of emotion (passion) concerning those memories that she kept hidden in the secret room.
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