Friday, January 29, 2010

Gold Eyes

Sometimes it is difficult to understand our dreams. I have had dreams where God speaks clearly and precisely. Everything unfolds exactly as the dream. Sometimes the Lord has spoken with symbols and color. Everything has meaning. Sometimes the meaning is clear and sometimes it is not.


I stood with my face before someone. I could not see the other person - only the hand. The hand took and painted my eye lids with gold. Not gold mascara but gold . The hand used a small brush and gently took a sheet of gold almost like a piece of paper, laid it on my eye lids, and used the brush to smooth the gold over my eyes. The hand then took and painted my lips red. I awoke at 2:30am and couldn't get back to sleep. The rest of the night I would toss and wake all the while remembering my dream.

According to my dream book Gold means: Gory or Wisdom: Truth; something precious; righteousness; . . .

Red Means: Passion; emotion; . . .

Last night I sat down with a friend/counselor. We spoke about many things and at one point I had a huge break through into an area in my life. I had insight that I had not had before. I wonder if this is what the Lord was telling me would happen?

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