I stood with my face before someone. I could not see the other person - only the hand. The hand took and painted my eye lids with gold. Not gold mascara but gold . The hand used a small brush and gently took a sheet of gold almost like a piece of paper, laid it on my eye lids, and used the brush to smooth the gold over my eyes. The hand then took and painted my lips red. I awoke at 2:30am and couldn't get back to sleep. The rest of the night I would toss and wake all the while remembering my dream.
According to my dream book Gold means: Gory or Wisdom: Truth; something precious; righteousness; . . .
Red Means: Passion; emotion; . . .

Last night I sat down with a friend/counselor. We spoke about many things and at one point I had a huge break through into an area in my life. I had insight that I had not had before. I wonder if this is what the Lord was telling me would happen?
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