If you dream dreams, see visions, and/or discern evil spirits, then you are not alone.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Stretched Out Net
One day during my call to pray I had a vision of this creature. I know – it looks a little like something you would see in Jurassic Park! I understood during the intercession that I was praying against an evil spirit of some kind. It did not make sense to me until I read my Bile scripture for that day. There - the Lord brought it all together and helped me to make sense of it.
Psalm 140
For the choir director: A psalm of David.
"1 O Lord, rescue me from evil people. Protect me from those who are violent,
2 those who plot evil in their hearts and stir up trouble all day long.
3 Their tongues sting like a snake;the venom of a viper drips from their lips.
4 O Lord, keep me out of the hands of the wicked. Protect me from those who are violent, for they are plotting against me. 5 The proud have set a trap to catch me;they have stretched out a net;they have placed traps all along the way.
6 I said to the Lord, “You are my God!” Listen, O Lord, to my cries for mercy! 7 O Sovereign Lord, the strong one who rescued me, you protected me on the day of battle. 8 Lord, do not let evil people have their way. Do not let their evil schemes succeed, or they will become proud.
9 Let my enemies be destroyed by the very evil they have planned for me. 10 Let burning coals fall down on their heads. Let them be thrown into the fire or into watery pits from which they can’t escape. 11 Don’t let liars prosper here in our land. Cause great disasters to fall on the violent. 12 But I know the Lord will help those they persecute; he will give justice to the poor. 13 Surely righteous people are praising your name; the godly will live in your presence."
Sometimes we come under attack. I found it so interesting that in verse 4 - 5 of the Psalm it spoke of setting a trap - they have "stretched out a net." This creature looked to of had tiny arms connected to a web. The creature stretched the web out a far as it could. As I prayed, I saw nothing but the wicked eyes and the large web that extended. The Spirit of the Lord came upon me and after a long while of prayer - the creature left - flew away - it was gone. The battle was over. The intercession was finished.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Spirit of Depression
We have all struggled with depression at some point in our lives. We have our ups and downs. We have had difficulty getting out of the pit. At times it can be a tedious task but somehow we work through it, the sun shines again, and we feel a sense of freedom. However, I understand that others have difficult balancing hormones, with chemicals in the brain, and past issues that keep us in that place of depression - therefore needing medication to help us work through it. But I never thought that there could be a spirit of depression. I never thought about a spirit depressing our minds, souls, and lives until revealed to me one particular day.
Called to Pray
I cried as usual, spoke in my prayer language, and waited for the Lord to reveal to me what was happening. I began to see a crowd of people gathered in someone's home. I did not see any one particular person that I knew. I watched the gathering - still praying in my prayer language and somewhat tearful - suddenly a figure appeared through the crowd. At first sight my lips began to move more rapidly. I felt more of an urgency to pray. The evil spirit lingered in the back of the room by the wall as if to hide and stay away - yet it appeared strong. I continued - I cried even more - my body shivered and at times my stomach would jerk.
The figure stared right at me. I heard the Lord say, "It's the spirit of Depression." I prayed - allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work through me. After a while of intense prayer - the figure began to get smaller and smaller - and then it slowly exited through the back wall of the room where it had been standing. My tears suddenly came to a halt. It was over.
I quickly rose from the floor to go and draw what I had seen. Afterwards I stepped back and took a deep look at the drawing. A couple of things interested me -
- The face was square - out of proportion
- The eyes were slanted - I know that when suffering from depression it is difficult to view the world in a healthy way
- It looked sad yet evil all at the same time
If the depression is from an attack from a spirit of depression, then the Lord revealed to me that day that there can be freedom from it. There can be victory - we can pray through it. We can find healing from it. It may be a difficult battle but it can happen. If you are suffering from depression you may want to think about gathering your most trusted intercessory prayer warriors to pray over you - anoint you with oil - and demand that in Jesus' name this spirit of depression flee. Declare victory - it's time - it's time to go to battle.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Flight to Safety
Sometimes the Lord calls us to pray at strange times. I remember cleaning - being right in the middle of vacuuming. I have learned that it can happen at any moment. As usual, I did not understand the urgency until I cried out and asked God to please reveal it to me.
Weeping and praying in my prayer language a vision began to unfold:
I saw a very large plane of some kind. I did not know if it was from a huge airline or not. The tail end of it raised in the very back and along that on either side were two large areas that may have been motors or something. I wish I understood more about planes and how they worked. As the vision continued to unfold, I noticed that smoke started to seep out from one of the motors - only on one side of the plane. I then understood that the plane was in trouble. I prayed asking God to intervene and to please send them help. I understood that people were on the plane but I did not know how many or if it were a commercial airline.
Suddenly everything became more intense as the smoke now turned into fire and flames. A black streak ran behind the plane, fire fuming out from the side. I started to pray with more intensity. "Please help them Lord - send your angels to help them to safety." I cried.
Suddenly two large white clouds formed in the shape of angels. They were both identical - large in stature. With poise and grace they simultaneously swept underneath the wings of the plane and grabbing hold of it. The wings of the plane rested in their arms and the angels seemed to have been the guide. I prayed and prayed as the spirit of the Lord fell upon me - Tears flowed and I became in awe once again at the sight that was unfolding.
"Praise you Lord" I laughed in the spirit. The angels flew with the plane for sometime during the prayer and then at just the right moment very gently lowered it on the runway. Everyone was safe. They were safe.
The tears stopped as quickly as they came and I rested in the beauty of the Lord's goodness and greatness and came to a greater understanding of His love and care for others. Oh how we never see what takes place in the Spirit world and how often the Lord's hand is upon us. Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Understanding Discernment
Sometimes our discernment's do not come easily nor are they at times very refreshing or reassuring. What do you do when you enter the presence of others and get the feeling something is wrong? How does one handle discerning that their may be an issue - - and it involve you?
Hummmm - that is such a tough place to be. I know that with myself, I need to evaluate whether or not my insecurities are kicking in. In the past I think I may have had some of that going on. Lately I have been able to pick up on things that seem to seep through from other people. The Lord's presence seems to fall and settle and in the stillness of the moment - something penetrates the air leaving an unsettling feeling.
I don't always know what to do with that. I usually stop and silently ask the Lord what is going on. Sometimes I can discern exactly what is happening while other times I am left with, "Something is wrong. Something is really wrong." - Not fully understanding everything. There are those friends I have found confidence in and am able to say to my friends, "Something is wrong - what is going on?" The Lord provides the moment and moves - tears swell, feelings unfold, and hearts are emptied. Prayer comes forth from it all and God does a mighty work. But what happens when you discern the "something is wrong" might have to do with you?
I recently found myself in the presence of an awkward moment; a feeling of something being wrong. I had no idea what that was - only that it happened in the presence of a close friend who radiated guilt. I looked deep in her eyes and wanted to say, "What is going on?" But the Lord kept me silent. I listened, I watched, and saw her fake demeanor come forth. I knew this person well enough to tell that she was not herself and definitely hiding something from me. I guess the heartache of it all was that I seemed to understand that it had something to do with me. I settled in that moment feeling as if she had been gossiping about me. I know - I can't explain it - and it is not a feeling I get very often. So - the question is, "What does anyone do with that discernment?"
I stepped away somewhat hurt and with an understanding that in my flesh I wanted to rise up and say something - but the spirit said, "No." So I will pray as God calls me to and wait upon Him to handle the situation. The Lord always knows better and He is always gracious enough to handle anything stirring.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Angel of Darkness
My son and I grabbed our cups of coffee and headed toward the crowded sanctuary where everyone gathered during our Sunday school hour. We all gathered to watch the video series of the Purpose Driven Life. I stepped in the doorway and scoured the room to find the perfect spot. Of course my son and I straggled in as late comers. Spotting a few empty seats toward the back over in the far right side of our church, we settled in and focused on the video. I've never sat on that side of the church but felt drawn none-the-less.
Before sitting, I noticed a young man who looked to have been between the age of 18 - 22. Casually, he leaned across a few chairs. Dressed in black from head to toe and wearing black sunglasses, I realized that I had never seen him in our church before this moment. I didn't think anything of it until I heard rash and rude comments coming from him about the video on the screen. I looked around wondering if anyone else heard his very verbal thoughts. At one point his mocking became so loud that others in the church turned around and looked in our direction. They too were wondering what the chaos was all about. I sat still and peaceful right in front of him and then asked the Lord, "Who is this person Lord?" As if God had whispered so everyone could hear, I heard the words, "He is an angel of darkness." At first I just repeated the words and then suddenly it sank in, "He's an angel . . . . of what?" I know it sounds strange but at that moment something so powerful had been revealed to me and once I understood what the Lord had said, my heart began to beat rapidly and full of fear. I could hardly sit still. The Lord then said to me, "Don't be afraid Tina. I am here."
After church I shared with my husband what the Lord had revealed to me. Of course my husband was sceptical as usual. "There's no way Satan could be in our church," he said. I did not think it was Satan himself but felt that whoever this young man was, he belonged to Satan. The young man left before anyone could speak with him.
For the next month the young man would show up at our services at odd times and always leave before anyone could speak with him. Every time he entered the church, a spirit would move within me and I would literally become ill. My heart beat fast. I became anxious. I felt the urge to cry and to fall on my knees and pray. I gathered as many friends as I could and told them that something was wrong. Something was very wrong. There is a stranger in our church and he belongs to the enemy. He always came dressed in black and always wore his sunglasses while in church. He always came on foot and always left before anyone could speak to him.
One day a friend of mine and I decided to go to lunch. My husband said to me, "Now don't tell her about the man in the church." I'm sure he did not want her to think I had completely lost my mind. After our small talk she asked, "So - how are things? How is the church doing?" Of course she did not attend out church.
I couldn't help it - I began with, "Well a strange man has been visiting . . " She interrupted, "Wait - is he between the age of 18-22, has black hair, dresses in black, and wears black boots with silver buckles?"
Astonished I said, "Yes! How did you know!" Very few people knew what the Lord had revealed to me and she did not know any of them. "Well, I had a dream the other night and saw him in the dream. The Lord told me that Satan was going to your church." I then finished my story.
We both felt shocked and speechless and to the point of tears. We confessed we had goosebumps running through our bodies. We both thanked God. My husband had been telling me that I was crazy, and yet at that moment the Lord confirmed to me that what He had shared with me that day was the truth!
I knew whenever the young man was coming. I could see him walking to church in a vision. The Lord always let me know he was coming. Between services or during I would mouth to my friends, "He's coming. We need to pray." He always showed up a few minutes after that.
The Lord reveals for a reason - to go to battle - to pray through it - so that the enemy's plan can be stopped and the Lord's work can continue. I called a well known intercessor and asked him what we should do. He told me that God definitely revealed the enemy's move to enter our church and we needed to remove the enemy from our church . . .we would do that through prayer.
I called and gathered a hand full of prayer warriors and intercessors. I asked if we could meet at the church and pray throughout it anointing the doors with oil. They agreed. Unfortunately the day everyone could gather was a day I could not attend. They gathered anyway and prayed throughout the entire church.
The very next Sunday, on Halloween day, I received a vision from the Lord. I saw the young man coming. He was walking to the church. The Lord revealed to me that the enemy will no longer be able to enter with this person. The enemy will be stopped at the door . . . and he was. The young man entered without being dressed in black and for the very first time, he was not wearing his sunglasses. I didn't feel sick or anxious. His presence in the church did not disturb me because the enemy did not enter with him. That Sunday would be the very last time this young man came to our church. We never saw him again.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Intercession for Family
So much of my prayer time involves interceding for myself and my family. I have a son who has a chronic illness. He, at one point in his life, was quite ill. During a moment of intercession for him the Lord revealed an amazing image and vision of His coming forth and touching my son.
Again - overwhelmed in the Lord's presence, filled with tears and a heart yearning for healing for my son, the Lord did something amazing and showed me that He in all of His strength will touch my son.
I saw my son standing upright. Clouds hovered over him - that is how I felt about his illness. Suddenly a stirring came from behind him; it looked like clouds but I noticed that it turned into the form of an angel. An angel stood very close to him and near him. Then the clouds hovering above parted and the heavens opened up. A bright light shot out from the skies. The beam was so bright it caused my son to fall backwards while the light penetrated his heart, chest, and stomach area. After a moment the praying ceased and I began to laugh - I knew that the Lord had touched my son. Thank you God!
My son's chronic illness is in his stomach area. He has days of severe nausea and abdominal pain. He has come a long way with his illness from throwing up daily, internal bleeding, to at times - no pain and nausea at all. He still has those days of feeling really sick but nothing like it was years ago. Thank you God!
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