My heart is aching and this morning I prayed for our church as well as the people in our church. Over the past two weeks I have come to understand that at least ten couples in our church are suffering and are thinking about separating or have already done so. My heart grieves for them. There is a spirit of division in our church among couples.
A few years back three of our young couples divorced. Something is going on in our church. Why would we have so much division among our relationships? We know that it does not come from God because he is not the author of that.
Today I fell on my face and prayed for the hurting women, struggling relationships, and deep seeded issues that need to come before the Lord.
As I prayed today I saw a dark cloud hovering over our church and community area. I asked God to come and remove that dark cloud. Suddenly the dark clouds began to be forced back – pushed back because of a strong light. The sky filled with brightness – brighter than the sun or any light. It moved the dark clouds away to reveal what was underneath them.
It was as if someone had removed a piece of clothing and the flesh was revealed. It was as if I were looking down from God’s eyes. I know that sounds strange – but as if I were in heaven looking down upon the earth seeing what perhaps God was seeing. I stared from the heavens at the whole scene.
What I saw shocked me, scared me, and concerned me. I saw the roof of our church removed and I could see every classroom – every nook and cranny – every corner. I saw demons in some of the rooms. I saw evil spirits lurking in the corners and hiding here and there.
As I prayed in the Spirit I asked God’s bright light to shine upon the area. It did – it shined so bright that the demons began to scatter. The spirits of division began to dissolve. It was as if the light was too strong for them and began to burn them and cause them to run away – like the legend of the vampires when faced with light. I heard screams because the light burned them.
I prayed for the warrior angel Michael to come with his band of angels, Gabriel came too and an army of angels followed after him. Hundreds and thousands of angels came. A large mass flew rapidly toward the church. The warriors came and they swept down releasing a great blow to the demons with their swords. They hit them as if playing Polo tossing them through the air and far away from the church. Some dissolved upon impact.
The angel Michael was large and strong – fearless. Holding his mighty sword, he flew down and landed on the ground facing the front doors of the church. He did not have to touch it and I was not sure if he said something or not but just at his presence the front door fell over with a great force landing on its back. I could hear the slam and see the dust rise from the floor on impact. The demons scattered and the angels gave chase. I could hear screams from a distance and wails. I watched as other angels flew through the church. Hundreds of them swept through every corner and crack releasing their fury on the demons causing them to fly through the air. Evil spirits began to take flight. God was cleaning the church.
I then saw the cross on the back wall of our sanctuary start to bleed. I cried even more. My heart ached and I doubled over from the sight. My eyes were swollen and I could hardly breathe. I saw the blood of Christ drip from the cross and then begin to flow more. It filled the baptistery and overflowed on to the stage area. It flowed in one long length – not a trickle but the flow was as long as one wall. It flowed over the stage, down the stairs and into the sanctuary. It flowed covering the entire floor area through the sanctuary and then throughout the entire church. The demons were gone, the evil spirits fled, and the angels stood guard outside the outer walls of the church.
I prayed for the conviction of the men in our church, I prayed for the healing of the women. Then God brought something to my attention. I understood that the pastor, as the head of the church, had opened the door to some demonic influence. He would have to renounce that – but because of that the demonic influence was present and attacking other couples and other men in the same way. Many more men were being attacked with similar issues. Many women were hurting from their husband’s choices. We were a broken church – but a church God wanted desperately to cleanse and bring out into the light - away from the darkness.
Each couple would have to come to God with their sins. The enemies grip was strong. He is doing a work. We must all join together to pray against it. I believe that a battle was one today but much work has yet to be done.
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